Dive into the captivating world of "Driver in the New City," a thrilling manhwa where action, romance, and unexpected twists intertwine! Kang Jihoo, seeking a fresh start after a traumatic past, finds his peaceful life as a driver in Gwangtan New Town upended by a mysterious female passenger. Their complex relationship sparks a surprising harem dynamic, plunging Jihoo into a whirlwind of intense emotions and captivating challenges. This isn't just a driver's story; it's a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and unexpected love. Witness Jihoo navigate his new job, tangled relationships, and a haunting past as he confronts love, conflict, and the promise of a new beginning. Experience exhilarating highs and heart-wrenching lows in this steamy manhwa – a perfect blend of action-packed sequences and tender romance. Unforgettable characters and fast-paced updates deliver a compelling narrative filled with twists and turns. Fans of tranh18, truyện tranh 18, manhwa18, truyện tranh người lớn, and truyện tranh miễn phí will be captivated. This complete story offers a thrilling escape. Start your adventure today! Tags: #DriverInTheNewCity, #Manhwa, #Tranh18, #TruyenTranh18, #Manhwa18, #TruyenTranhNguoiLon, #TruyenTranhMienPhi, #HaremManhwa, #ActionManhwa, #RomanceManhwa, #KangJihoo, #GwangtanNewTown, #NewBeginnings, #SteamyManhwa, #AdultManhwa, #CompleteStory, #FastUpdates, #KoreanManhwa, #AdultComics, #MatureManhwa - truyện tranh 18+
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